
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Learning Endurance

"For you know that when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow"-- James 1:3

Yesterday marked the one week start of a commitment to walk obediently in the area of self-control with food.  (aka: new diet) 
It seems simple doesn't it.  Eat less, move more!  

Except, enter in the sinful nature of the flesh and how it loves to edify itself, instead of God.   

"For the hearts of these people are hardened,
      and their ears cannot hear,
   and they have closed their eyes—
      so their eyes cannot see,
   and their ears cannot hear,
      and their hearts cannot understand,
   and they cannot turn to me." ~~ Matthew 13:15

Lord, keep my heart pliable so that it years only for YOU!  Walk before me as I lay down the idols that I've allowed to build a wall between us.

As I entered day 7 yesterday, I was not feeling hungry, my joints and gut were feeling so much better, BUT I was struggling with extreme fatigue.  So much fatigue that it almost began to feel like depression.  

I couldn't connect with others to write a simple text or e-mail.  Taking my children to baseball and cheering them on wore me out.  Returning a phone call felt hard and huge.  

 In the midst of this fog, my flesh began to hunger after the things that would satisfy it in the moment.  I should have readied for battle in that moment but I didn't.  Instead I rolled around in how I was "feeling".

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants"~~ Deuteronomy 30:19

Lord, help me through the power of your spirit to choose life when I'm tempted to listen to the liar.

I praise you in the midst of this struggle Lord.  It's an opportunity to draw closer to you.  To learn the blessing of endurance.  

"For you know Mary, that when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow"-- James 1:3


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