
Saturday, March 31, 2012

New Beginnings!

Celebrating the finish of our support management training at Leigh Bortin's house.

For I am about to do something new.
    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
    I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.~ Isaiah 43:18-19
New Support Manager Team

I am so honored to have taken on a new role within my homeschool organization, Classical Conversations

After 14 years of homeschooling CC has refueled my FIRST love of home education!  Though I've always loved schooling my own children CC has taught me new things, practical idea's, like how to supercharge the brain to retain information so that my children can be lifetime learners. Classical Conversations has created a model of community that has helped my family walk together humbly (mistakes and all) with other families to help us better understand how to give our children the best education possible.  It brings to life Proverbs 27:17, "Iron Sharpening Iron"!

So, what do we call this new role?  Support Manager!  When my friend Lynn first asked me to consider applying I simply laughed thinking there was no way I wanted to add one more thing to my plate.   I had just stepped out of leadership and had proudly proclaimed to anyone who would listen, that this was a new season of rest. 


As she began to share the vision I was overcome by the holy spirit.  I literally sat and wept as Lynn began to weave the heart of support manager.  It's what I love to do anyway.  It's who God made me to be. 

I could hear God's voice calling me to be a part of this new work.  Not because of anything good within me but because HE is good and He lives inside me.  He delights in drawing me closer to Him through intimate fellowship.  He will use the gifts HE'S given me and equip my weaknesses so that others will see that where I am weak, "HE" IS STRONG! 

It wasn't that I didn't need to add anything else to my plate, but that I needed to remove other things that were part of a season He has brought to a close.  It's hard because my heart was knitted to those other things for so long, but I cling to Phil 3:13, "Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead."  

I'm so thankful that I don't have to understand the why's, I can simply rest in the ONE who knows my tomorrows and trust Him completely.  

There are three main aspects to my job: 

1-  Supporting the directors in my area through prayer, encouragement, training, and discipleship.  (It's a very interactive role that includes them doing the same for me!) 

2-  Sharing the Classical Conversations opportunity with families everywhere.  Though we do not believe that every family will be called exactly the same way, we do want to make sure that every one gets to hear about the unique and exciting opportunity sweeping the country and beginning a brand new journey overseas.  CC now serves and equips over 39,000 homeschoolers across the U.S. and abroad. We believe in the motto, "We're Better Together"!

3- Spreading the vision beyond homeschoolers in general.  Inviting our church and government leadership to visit our campuses and be a part of what we're doing!

This past week I flew to North Carolina for four intense days of training.  My heart was ignited like never before.  

I'll close by sharing some pictures taken during our fast-paced, fun-filled training extravaganza!

Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you're on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any minute!~ Phil 4:4-5
