
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week 23 - Going... going..... going

Conversational math!

Finding patterns while working on the 13 Times tables.

Discussing number lines and how to use them to set yourself up for success.

Joseph and Geography

Today we visited Central Africa

Happy birthday sweet Sophie! 

Colton, sketching his geography.

Bethie, testing on Canada

Biology and Geography integrated.  (You had to be there, LOL)

Katie and Bethie working hard on Catechism's

Joseph having way too much FUN!

Sweet girls


Matching tennis shoes

I cannot believe that there are only 7 weeks left?!  The years are SHORT!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Conversational Math!

I cannot believe that our class was beginning to discuss how we are almost to the end. Honestly, this has been our families favorite homeschool year, EVER!

Today, we piloted conversational math in our classroom.  It was beyond incredible.  At one point my eyes welled up with tears.  Why?  Because I saw that teaching excludes and conversation includes.  Those that are advanced or on-target were actually discussion MORE math than they ever have, but the biggest blessing was watching those students who are working a little behind light up and come to life! 

I was so in awe of the job Mrs. Mullins did today.  Teaching can be far more comfortable than leading discussions.  You feel in control with a textbook in your hands.  Today the entire class was done simply with white boards, markers, and erasers.  

After Mrs. Mullins left to go be with her daughter in her Foundations class the Challenge A kids and I had a discussion about what they thought regarding this new way of doing math on community day.  Every single person raved that they loved it.  My favorite responses:

  • I felt like I got a lot more out of it.
  • It made sense!  I always feel like I don't know what they're discussing.
  • It definitely did not get boring.

The purpose of community day is to come together with peers to have humble, powerful, deep discussions.  It doesn't matter which math program, which grade level, what skill set your child is working at, they will find that conversational math helps every single student solidify concepts so they stick and stay put.

I love that we are setting all of our students up for success!  I love that Leigh Bortin's consistently seeks the Lord and makes her decisions based on HIS leading and guiding.  Honestly, honestly, Classical Conversations makes homeschooling a JOY!  Something to be celebrated and savored, not just something to check off our to-do list.  Praise the Lord!

May my children delight in the law of the Lord, may they meditate on it day and night.  May they be like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.  May their leaves never wither, and may the prosper in ALL they do.  Psalms 1:2-3

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Classical Conversations Celebration!

Mrs. Ulrich's incredible Essentials class!

The beautiful brain, as drawn by an even more beautiful Sophie.

Brain, brain, brain, brain, BRAIN!

Thank you, Katie Larreau!

 Michelle visiting our class today.

Colton's heart!

Thank you, Thames family!

I heart my precious friends.

Mrs. White

I love watching Mattie and her precious girl.

Serious stuff.....SAT 10 Testing

Love these ladies

Joseph reading his report on, "Number The Stars"
Mrs. Cullum visiting our class today.

Sage, doing a beautiful job sketching the heart.

Colton made a 100% on his biology test!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Classical Conversations Community Park Day!

Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you!  This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”~ John 13:34-35

WOW!  What an incredible day of fellowship, friendship, & building stronger relationships.  We had over 70 in attendance.  It was an unbelievably beautiful day.  Thank you, Lord!   What a JOY it was to look around and see moms talking, laughing, praying, and relaxing.  (And the kids were having fun too!)

What a JOY to watch Caleb Maser freely run and play after months of praying for his adoption.  Many of us will never forget the day Melissa Maser received the call (While at CC) that he was officially hers and they needed to fly to Africa.  

Thank you Lord for this precious life!

Girl Power!  This year we have an all girls and an all boys class at CC!  

(ots of mixed classes too)

Bonding, talking, sharing, connecting!  Loved talking to Mrs. White who has lost 17 pounds!  Skinny girl!

Forever friends catching up!

New friends building bonds!

Precious conversations filled with prayer and encouragement in the Lord!

Brand new friends being included and loved on!

Even the Challenge kids had a blast!

Hey!  Why does she keep taking our picture?

Lukey loves being homeschooled!

Ummm....what's that saying?

We're Better TOGETHER!

As Iron sharpens Iron, one friend sharpens another!

Forever Friends!

Director Discussions!

Terri will be our Challenge A Director next year and Brenda Sain will be our Challenge II Director.

Where Connectedness meets Relator!

Perfect picture of unsocialized homeschoolers. (teasing smile)

Boy Power!

Deep Discussions

Oh how this mama heart loves this child of hers!

Precious friend, A-MAZING Director!

Melissa Maser will be our new Clearwater Foundations/Essentials Director!

Working together!

Incredible tutor.....Phenomenal mama!


I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever.  I will praise you every day; yes, I will praise you forever.  Great is the Lord!  He is most worthy of praise!  No one can measure his greatness. ~ Psalm 145:1-3
