
Saturday, October 29, 2016


Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all these things will be given to you too. So do not worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrow worry about itself. Living faithfully is a large enough task for today.-- Matthew 6:33-34

My favorite--Praying Together

What a JOY it was to sit and soak in His presence with each of you face-to-face yesterday morning.  (We missed you, Terri)  I want to start with some take-away's and repeat important information.  


    1-We talked about how important relationship is within the community.  

    Rules (or information and expectation) without relationship equals REBELLION.


    2-Lynn shared the Challenge Trilogy: 

    • Trust in the power of the Holy Spirit
    • Trust students can learn
    • Trust in the power of good questions

    Nowhere on here does it say to worry about knowing how to teach math. (WOO HOO)  Nowhere does it say that it's your job to worry about what your families are doing in their personal homeschools. You get to be a mom who is simply the lead learner.  Bring your passion and celebrate what God is showing each of you as you review.   I pray these three directives encourage your heart mightily!

    Ask good questions to support your families, but watch carefully that the line does not blur and put you in the position of expert or master tutor.  (That's a lot of pressure for you and for them)  

    Guard your heart against expectations. Instead...Love and meet your families right where they're at.  Pray for them.  See the best in them.  Gently guide them back to Him.  

    Which leads me to #3 (My personal favorite takeaway)

    3-The Challenge guide is like a Thanksgiving dinner.   If you eat everything you will be sick. Do not think there is one way to eat at a feast or that one dish is better than another.  God has given each of us a personal palette and purpose.  The guide is simply the options.

    4-Remember that we can only work on our students outward behavior and we get to tap into what GOD is doing inwardly through our conversations.

    5-1 Corinthians tells us that knowledge will pass away.  So let's focus on what lasts through eternity...continue to focus on asking great questions and giving students time to reflect, consider, and propose what they believe and why they believe it.

    6-Definition of Diligence by Dave Ramsey:  Simplicity repeated over and over.

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