
Monday, September 26, 2016

Freedom Workshop--Week TWO

"I am pleading with the Eternal for this ONE THING, my soul's desire: to live with Him all of my days--In the shadow of His temple, to BEHOLD HIS BEAUTY and to ponder His ways in the company of His people."

--Psalm 27:4

What an awesome night!  I loved watching the Lord weave His word in our hearts and our stories all night long.  I looked around the room and saw everyone's heart intimately connected to the Word and to each other.  It was a beautiful sight to behold.  Oh how He loves us.  

  • YOU cannot change your behavior.  It won't last!  God has to transform how we think.  As we think then becomes how we act!   
  • Don't look at the tempter; look at the TESTER
  • You are not a victim!  You are VICTORIOUS because of what Christ did on that cross.
  • We do not work for the victory, we work FROM the victory

  • Fly by the panel (BIBLE)
  • You fly by what you know, not by how you FEEL
  • Poise—Pause and move forward without shifting


I LOVED my jaunt through Galatians 5 today!  What JOY there is to stop, pause, (aka: Poise) and read back and forth with the Lord relationally.  Do not just read your bible academically.  Fall in love with the author as you interact with HIM!  Here is how He spoke to me in verse 22:

"The Holy Spirit Produces this kind of fruit in our lives:  LOVEJOYPEACEPATIENCEKINDNESSGOODNESSFAITHFULNESSGENTLENESS, & SELF-CONTROL." -- Galatians 5:22

How do I bear these beautiful fruits of the Spirit?  In order for my tree (my life) to bear fruit it must be pruned and fertilized. (Fertilizer is death and decay of my old man/sin nature)  Those things that keep me from the fullness of HIM.  I'm left pondering this question today:  What does the Lord want to peel away in my life so that NEW LIFE can be born?  

(Page 52)
  • Reading Chart page 4
  • Memorize Romans 8:12-14
  • Memorize Isaiah 1:18
  • My Sheep Will Hear my voice (Page 13)
  • Reading Relationally (Page 8-10)

“So for the person who does not WORK, but TRUSTS.  His faith is counted as righteousness."  Romans 4:5

“I have been acquitted and made right through FAITH.  I can experience TRUE and LASTING PEACE. -- Romans 5

Jesus leads me into a place of RADICAL GRACE.  Where I can experience the HOPE of HIS GLORY." -- Romans 5:2

"Love others well and don't hide behind a mask; LOVE AUTHENTICALLY" -- Romans 12:9

Do not forget to rejoice, for HOPE is always just around the corner. Romans 12:12

I urge you sisters to offer your body (your life) as a LIVING SACRIFICE. —Romans 12:1 (You will never be a victim again if you understand the honor it is to be a living sacrifice for His Kingdom)

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind--Romans 12:2

IF we share in His sufferings then we get to share in His glory. -- Romans 8:17

Fruits Of The Spirit!

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