Some of the moms sharing their "plate work".
Tuesday night I was so honored to travel with my sweet friend Neoka over to Winterhaven for a speaking engagement. Let me tell you, when I speak, it is so much more about what God is teaching me than what I could ever do for anyone else.
I love speaking because I have to stop and stay at the throne to hear what it is He wants me to share. Every single time my stories and outlines are based on those things I messed up but God redeemed!
Moms relating to my "June Cleaver" syndrome.
Loved this mom! Sharing that it energizes her to do MATH!
Homeschool dad and police officer who could relate to my Scotty's strengths. Focusing on why we're better together. I adored his wife's Texas southern accent. I could listen to her talk for hours.
Inspiration! Right before I spoke she shared her testimony of how being a part of "Homeschoolers On The Ridge" and Barb Mesh's highschool workshop has been such a blessing to her and her daughter since they moved to Florida.
Ann had been homeschooling for one year when the Lord took her husband home in a plane accident. She is so thankful for that year God gave them as a family through homeschooling.
It brought me tears and helped settle my focus on that which is most important right before I was to speak. Thank you, Ann for your transparency. Praying you have the greatest senior year EVER with your daughter!
Carol Ryan and I have been online friends for well over a decade. As a brand new homeschooler we met while on the Five In A Row boards. We quickly clicked and joined a loop with a few other "rowers". We went through child birth, illness and life transitions together. All these years and I've never met her in real life until this night. It was a total surprise.
Imagine my shock as I walked back to my seat and saw her sweet face smiling at me. I think I screamed. (Yes, I know not very together, huh? LOL) I hated that we could only chat for about a 1/2 hour. Now I want to set up a date to just go over for a long dinner of conversation and catching up.
Thank you Carol for surprising me. You blessed my heart beyond what I could ever say with mere words. (((Love You)))
The lady on your left is Neoka Apple. Neoka was MY support group leader for 9 full years. She's been my friend for 14. This women filled my cup and inspired me when I was knee deep in diapers, dishes and dirty laundry. She reminded me that the days are long but the years are short.
She has now graduated all three of her children who have gone on to amazing careers. Her oldest daughter is finishing her residency as a doctor. Neoka herself decided to go back and get her PhD. She has such a servant heart and drove me to all the way to WinterHaven, she prayed with me, she cheered me on and she took almost all of the pictures.
The other beautiful lady on your right is Barb Mesh. I met Barb through Neoka. She also homeschooled her two children who are now flourishing in amazing careers and she offers workshops that teach families how to navigate homeschooling through highschool with transcripts, curriculum and scholarships.
We were so blessed to stop and have dinner before hand. I love these women. They are a part of my homeschool heritage. They walked before me and paved the way!
Rose Marie! Every year she and we get to connect at our homeschool convention in the leaders forum. It is one of those natural people you just instantly know you could be good friends with. If we lived closer we'd probably get in trouble together. (grin) She heads up "Homeschoolers On The Ridge" and does an amazing job because she truly loves them, loves homeschooling and loves her Lord.
I had tears in my eyes when Ann shared her testimony of how much Homeschoolers On The Ridge meant to her after her husband passing away and I thought of Ann Marie. All those hours leaders invest and never know just who or how deeply your act of service impacts another.
Thank you to all my local peeps and facebook friends for praying for me. I could feel His mantle of peace settled securely on my shoulders. It was so not about me, it was ALL ABOUT HIM!