
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Holiness- Coffee W/Jesus!

This morning I started my quiet time in my favorite little devotional, Jesus Calling. It was talking about how important it is to go to God daily. The author reminded me of the Israelites in the desert. They had no food sources, yet God faithfully fed them. He called their food, Manna.

Here was the deal though, They had to get up early in the morning and gather it. They were not allowed to store up for tomorrow or to live off left overs from yesterday. Others could not pick it up for them. It was about total dependence on HIM.

I was reminded how true that is for my own relationship with The Lord. I cannot flourish by living off yesterday's quiet time or storing it up for tomorrow.

He showed me 4 things:

1- I have to get up every morning and start with HIS Word.

2- I have to leave time to linger, pray, praise, and wait.

3- I have to stop through the day and make myself snack on what HE showed me in those early morning hours.

4- My husband, my family, and my friends can never fill that Jesus shaped hole in my heart. It was created for Him and Him ALONE!

Lord, I love you! May I walk the walk! Let me talk TO you, as much as I talk about you!

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